This morning as I was dressing for work I was reminded of the power of words, and how they have energetic impact that can linger for years. The simple act of putting on a pair of earrings reminded me of something unkind someone said to me years ago, bringing up a tinge of self-doubt, causing me to question something I have always done and believe in deeply. The comment was, "Those earrings are for old ladies. They make you look old." Ouch!
Any marriage counselor will tell you that one of the most common problems observed when couples come for help is poor communication skills. People get into trouble in their marriages because they have not developed their ability to listen and communicate.
With unemployment continuing to be high, I wanted to put something out there about job loss and career crisis. I feel like many of you out there are in this really difficult and stressful place. Some of you may have out of work for a year or so. What I offer is some general advise. I hope it helps elevate just a little bit of the stress I know many are under.
Helpful idea: I heard something on NPR regarding prisoner of war survivors. The speaker said that it seemed that those who were able to keep reminding themselves that their situation was temporary yet were able not to put a mental date on when it should end coped better than those who could not do this. Sounded to me like the "taking one day at a time" of AA or being mindful and living in the present. I think that this might be a great strategy for those facing joblessness. Just try to remember all things come to an end in there own way and in there own time. Nothing is eternal except eternity. Why do some relationships last forever and others fall apart? Here are some ways you can make your partner feel appreciated again and prevent your relationship from becoming a casualty.
Evelyn Schmechtig CochranCategories
February 2024